PMS Warm Grey 2 C
This page shows PMS color Warm Grey 2 C. This PMS color is in the Basic colors category, part of the Coated color system.
Color impression PMS Warm Grey 2 C
Press the color example below to enlarge this PMS color:

Important: on computer screens PMS colors do not appear completely authentic. Use the color impression on this page as a reference only. We recommend purchasing a physical PMS color fan to be sure of the correct color. You can order a PMS color fan for as low as €176.95 (excluding VAT).
More info / orderingCMYK code
C | 0 |
M | 3 |
Y | 7 |
K | 20 |
RGB code
R | 203 |
G | 196 |
B | 189 |
CIELab code
L* | 79.53 |
a* | 1.21 |
b* | 4.37 |
HSB/HSV code
H | 29 |
S | 7 |
B | 80 |
HSL code
H | 30 |
S | 12 |
L | 77 |
HEX code
View PMS Warm Grey 2 C in real life
It's a risk to make a decision based on the display of a color on a digital screen. To be sure of the correct color, we recommend to use a physical PMS color fan. On this website you can buy a PMS color fan.
view all PMS color fans